📅 30/01/2025    🏢 Ala (TN)  🗺️  Trentino Alto Adige


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Offerta di Lavoro

UFI Hydrogen is looking for an experienced RECEPTIONIST PURPOSE OF POSITION - Provide welcome service to visitors in order to promote a professional and customer-oriented image of the plant and global UFI. - Assist the functions in the administrative tasks in order for them to perform their mission efficiently. - Perform efficient operation of switchboard (handling in the best way all incoming calls) in order to ensure smooth internal communication. KEY ACCOUNTABILITIES - Monitor and record in the monitoring system external persons entering UFI property (building and land) through reception entrance in order to assure safe movement of people inside the plant. Management of ID employee cards. - Communicate efficiently with security guards in order to ensure even handing over of the shift and good awarness of the guards on main internal issues. - Welcome external visitors and organize practicalities (such as taxi tranfers etc.) for foreign visitors in order to promote professional customer oriented plant image to people coming from outside. - Keep all reception area and the surrounding area in perfect condition (clean and neat) in order to ensure representative image of the plant. - Organise office management activities such as maintaining/buying office supplies with a cost-conscious mind in order to secure a smooth day to day office operation in the plant. Keep the small office supplies stock in the reception in an efficient way to always have needed supplies available and not to have overstock. - Dealing with incoming and outgoing mails - Translations and interpretation from Italian to support the business needs - Manage car fleet and the accessories (telepass, assurance, fuel cards). Manage car maintenance and assistance. - Manage internal post mail and the activity with express dealers QUALIFICATIONS - Good knowledge English language (writing, speaking and comprehension); - Experience in similar role (at least 2 years) Workplace : (Serravalle), Ala (TN)

Creatore annuncio
Qualifica ISTAT
Addetti a funzioni di segreteria
Esperienza richiesta
Luogo di lavoro
Ala (TN)


Luogo di lavoro
Comune di ALA (TN)
Per candidarsi
Inviare il curriculum tramite e-mail a hi-jobs.adl@provincia.tn.it RECEPTIONIST

Job Overview

  • Data di pubblicazione

  • Scade il

    ( 31-03-2025 )

  • Luogo di lavoro

    Ala (TN)

Sede principale di lavoro:
Ala (TN) IT

Annuncio inserito da:

In conformità alle direttive UE 2006/54/CE, 2000/43/CE e 2000/78/CE, tutte le offerte di lavoro sono rivolte a persone di qualsiasi genere, età, razza, origine etnica, religione, convinzione personale, disabilità o orientamento sessuale. Ogni forma di discriminazione è vietata e, nei casi più gravi, costituisce reato punibile penalmente.

Questa offerta è stata prelevata dal agenzia del lavoro provinciale senza controllo sul contenuto da parte della piattarofma lavoroannunci.eu

L'offerta di lavoro scade il 31/03/2025. Tuttavia, l'annuncio potrebbe essere rimosso prima se la posizione venisse ricoperta o non fosse più necessaria la figura ricercata.

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ID annuncio di lavoro: 133839


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Offerte di lavoro a Trento

Offerte di lavoro in Trentino Alto Adige