📅 05/12/2024    🏢 Velletri (RM)  🗺️  Lazio

ID: P126C14 - 1 addetti all'assistenza personale - badante Proroga

Position Available: ID: P126C14 - 1 assistant for personal care - caregiver Renewal

  • Publication Date:

  • Deadline:

  • Agency:
    Velletri Employment Center, Employment Centers

  • Contact Center for Employment of Velletri

    Address: Corso della Repubblica, 241 - 00049 Velletri (RM)

    Phone: 06/51682181 - 06/51682180

    Email: cpivelletri@regione.lazio.it

    Request IDP126C14
    Deadline31/01/2025 extended to 31/01/2025
    Employment CenterVELLETRI

  • ... (continued content)


    According to Article 27 of Legislative Decree 198 of 2006, this job offer is addressed to both male and female workers.

    We invite those interested in the indicated position to send the following documents by 31/01/2025 (indicating the ID reference of the announcement in the email object and naming the attached files with the candidate's first and last name) to the following address cpivelletri@regione.lazio.it, under penalty of exclusion:


    Last Updated/Checked: 05/12/2024

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